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Coping with Nicotine Cravings for Teens Who Want to Quit Vaping

How to Cope with Nicotine Cravings:
Tips for Teens Who Want to Quit Vaping
Whether it’s for your health, to save money, or simply a desire to take back control of your daily life, there are many positive reasons to quit vaping nicotine.
Here’s one more great reason to ditch the vape: Quitting nicotine can lead to reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. This can be a powerful way to improve your mental well-being and quality of life!
Deciding to quit vaping is the first step. But what comes next? To help you get started, check out these three tips for teens who want to ditch the vape:
#1: Understand Your Vaping Triggers
Different social situations, emotions, and even times of the day can trigger your urge to vape nicotine. The key is to know your vaping triggers so you can either avoid them or prepare for them. Here are a few examples of common triggers:
● Seeing someone else vape, even on social media
● Going to a party or social activity
● Drinking alcohol
● Hanging out with friends who vape
● Feeling frustrated, stressed, bored, lonely, or sad
● Daily routines such as driving or walking to class
● Downtime, like watching TV or scrolling on your phone
It’s a good idea to tell a trusted adult about your desire to quit and what triggers you. They can help you navigate these situations and stay on track.
#2: Replace Your Vape with Healthy Habits
If you’ve been using nicotine for a while, you may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, especially your first few days. Common nicotine withdrawal symptoms include feeling restless or irritable, having trouble concentrating, fatigue, sweating, sleeping difficulties, and hunger.
Don’t worry — these effects will fade! In the meantime, try staying busy with one of these healthy habits and hobbies:
● Pick up a hands-on activity, like knitting or coloring
● Go on a walk outside
● Take a dance break
● Start journaling
● Listen to music or a podcast
● Stay hydrated! Using a water bottle with a straw can replace the feeling of vaping.
#3: Keep It Up!
Quitting vaping is not easy. If you do experience a setback, don’t give up on quitting. Remember why you wanted to quit in the first place and focus on the positives.
Want to Quit Vaping? Help is Here.
If you’re ready to quit vaping nicotine, the Mental Health Recovery Board Serving Warren & Clinton Counties (MHRB) is your starting point for help. Visit our Vaping Resources page to find more helpful tips, tools, and support.